Transformative Mother-Child Drum Making Workshop

A celebration of your child’s birth and your shared birth story conveyed through an intimate creation of a treasured keepsake.- your child’s very own medicine drum. Your child’s birth drum will hold a deepened connection of the love you share for each other, a creative joy and a protection imbued in the raw materials of your creative work.

This process works to journey through your most intimate birth memories and shared experiences through the retelling of your child’s birth and reenvisioning a shared future together. This experience is a deep celebration of Womanhood, Motherhood, Kinhood. It aims to strengthen your spiritual self and your life long relationship with your child.

An enwombed and transformative harmonised birth beat. A cherished connective time capturing your child's special place within the world symbolised by their unique rhythmic drum beat. A weekend of:

  • Exploring the realms of birth and re envisioning a new version of a shared tapestry of love, belonging and a profound connection to self and land.

  • Exploring birth lineage and crafting a medicine drum.

This Workshop is for you if you want to:

  • Explore and Deepen your connection with your child

  • Transformation of self and child

  • Open up a different way of being in way of self awareness, triggers and protection

  • Drawn to alchemise your child or your own birth trauma, ancestral lineage

  • Healing the land, Connection to Nature - changing the frequency of the pulse of Nature within the earth and our connection to it.

The day one workshop is aimed at the Mother clearing her ancestral birth stories and potential trauma, and those of her child’s who she will be doing the drum making workshop with.

It's about connecting in with her child’s true essence and that is what is woven into the drum. Once we clear old stories that no longer serve us then we are left with the core essence of who the child is . Then the weaving can take place. The medicine within the drum serves to send the innate gifts of this child out into the world.

Workshop Details:

  • When

    • 30 September - 1 October 2023 (children aged between 9-12)

    • Day 1 | 9:30am - 5pm | Overnight camp together

    • Day 2 | 9:30am - 4pm

  • Where

    • 10 Shirley Drive, Taradale Victoria

    • Dja Dja Wurrung land

    • You are welcome to camp on the property overnight on the Saturday – BYO camping gear.

  • Cost

    • $1150 | One off payment


    • Payment Plan of 4 fortnightly payments of $310


    • If you would prefer to pay via bank transfer,

      Please make full payment and email with your name and phone number:

      Katherine Knott

      BSB 083495

      Account Number 619642939

      Once payment has been received, you will receive an email with more details.

What To Bring:

  • 2 towels (to lay your drum on whilst it is being birthed/made)

  • scissors strong enough to cut through hide

  • pillow case to take your drum home in

  • a shawl/blanket to cover yourself when drum journeying

  • a journal and a pen

All Food is included - please let us know if there are dietary restrictions.

What is the story of your own birth?

(particularly regarding the situation for your mother during your pregnancy: weeks of gestation at birth, breech? twins? premature labour?)

How did labour start: Induction? Natural? Drugs in labour? Length of labour?

What is the way of birth: Forceps? Vacuum? Normal vaginal? Cesarean?

What are the stories of you giving birth?

The stories with your babies (all pregnancy’s result in a birth including abortions, miscarriages, etc.) and if there have been no pregnancies, then what are the stories of you birthing/creating? You can name projects at work, business, craft, new versions of yourself, and the likes.


  • Katherine Knott

Katherine is a naturopath, herbalist, shamanic womancrafter, and mother to 4 crazy wildings who are her greatest teachers. She is the founder of Acorn and Oak, an apothecary and natural health clinic in Ballarat. Katherine has always been drawn to the inner stories that a person weaves from the moment of conception until the present time and how they impact who and how they are in the world. She intertwines the medicine of her drum throughout clinical practice as a naturopath. She also facilitates monthly women’s circles and herbal medicine workshops.

  • Rose DeMaria

Rose is the founder and facilitator of Wild Wisdom and Castlemaine Bush Kinder. She is a Nature Educator, sessional lecturer, teaching consultant and advocate for Nature Education and accessing natural environments for life learning, with particular emphasis on Early Education, Nature and Kinship pedagogy.

Rose weaves her love of box ironbark bush flora with her skills in nature crafts, local plant dyes and weaving work. Her connection to our living Djarra mother and her love of children are her great motivators.. Rose is a mother of 5 children. She has worked tirelessly on improving early education frameworks and a child's right to quality care.